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by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

What is a "GeoString ? A GeoString is simply a string of your contacts and their contacts all strung together to build an incredible cash generator for the length of the string. You'll be amazed at how far your string reaches, both in numbers, and geographically! Are you serious? You'll give me $10.00 for registering a free account? Absolutely. Register your free account to claim your free $10.00 now. How much free money can I get? Your income potential is unlimited, and does not cost you anything. The more you string, the more you earn. Use the income calculator above to get a potential earnings idea. Register Now to Receive $10.00 Instantly!
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10 Hal Penting Sebelum Membeli Hosting

by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

Inilah 10 Hal Penting Sebelum Membeli Hosting yang wajib anda perhatikan sebelum membeli web hosting untuk situs maupun blog Anda. 1. Harga (Price) Semua orang suka dengan harga murah, tai jangan terpana dengan harga murah, bayak kustomer yang kecewa akibat membeli produk murah karena produk murah biasanya murhana dari segi mutu dan kualitas...TIPS: jika memperoleh hosting harga murah sebaiknya di cek dulu, kenapa site memberikan jasa hosting semurah itu. 2. Area of Focus / Specialties Perhatikan dengan seksama fokus dari webhosting yang ingin anda beli. Biasa sebuah jasa hosting memiliki fokus dan spesialis disuatu titik. 3. Specs Anda wajib tau spsifikasi apa saja yang anad butuhkan untuk website/blog anda. website kecil memiliki spek yang lebih minim dibandingkan dengan website dengan traffik yang gede!!. 4. Tech Support Cari tau, apakah team supportnya memiliki kualitas yang baik atau cuma mengerti saja. Biasanya perusahaan hosting yang besar pasti memiliki team support yang okey dan familiar. 5. Features / Add-Ons Jenis fitur atau add on apa saja yang ditawarkan untuk Anda? apa yang membuat jasa hosting ini spesial dimata mata Anda?? fitur terbaik apa yang dapat diberikan jasa hosting tersebut? 6. Hardware Anda wajib tau spesifikasi hadware yang anda gunakan untuk situs anda? jangan asal beli hosting saja! tanyakan kepada team supportnya, jenis hardware yang anda ingin gunakan! NOTE: JANGAN MEMILIH KUCING DALAM KARUNG 7. Reputation Bagaimana reputasi jasa hosting tersebut?? cari tau di forum-forum maupun di mbah google seputar reputasi hosting yang ingin anda gunakan. 8. Control Panel Anda wajib familiar dengan kontrol panel yang hendak anda gunakan. Banyak sekali jenis CP yang beredar dipasaran, dari yang bayar (cpanel, plesk, dll) sampai gratis. Rekomendasi Top Hosting: Web hosting
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Apa Itu Cybersquatting

by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

Cybersquatting (juga dikenal sebagai jongkok domain), menurut hukum federal Amerika Serikat dikenal sebagai Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen Anticybersquatting, adalah mendaftar, perdagangan, atau menggunakan nama domain dengan iman buruk maksud untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari goodwill dari sebuah merek dagang milik seseorang lain. cybersquatter kemudian menawarkan untuk menjual domain tersebut kepada orang atau perusahaan yang memiliki merek dagang yang terdapat dalam nama dengan harga melambung. Istilah ini berasal dari "jongkok, "yang merupakan tindakan menempati ruang kosong atau ditinggalkan atau bangunan yang liar tidak sendiri, menyewa atau memiliki izin untuk digunakan. Cybersquatting, bagaimanapun, adalah sedikit berbeda dalam hal nama domain yang sedang "berjongkok" yang (kadang-kadang tetapi tidak selalu) dibayar untuk melalui proses pendaftaran oleh cybersquatters. Cybersquatters umumnya meminta harga yang jauh lebih besar dari itu di mana mereka membelinya. Beberapa cybersquatters memasang komentar merendahkan mengenai orang atau perusahaan domain dimaksudkan untuk mewakili dalam upaya untuk mendorong subjek untuk membeli domain tersebut dari mereka. Lain-lain posting link berbayar melalui Google, Yahoo, dan lainnya yang dibayarkan iklan jaringan ke situs yang sebenarnya bahwa pengguna mungkin ingin, sehingga mereka mendapatkan penghasilan dari jongkok. Beberapa berpendapat bahwa garis pemisah dari cybersquatting adalah sulit untuk menggambar, atau bahwa praktek ini adalah konsisten dengan etos pasar bebas dan kapitalis. Cybersquatting merupakan salah satu istilah yang digunakan longgar paling terkait dengan nama domain milik intelektual hukum dan sering salah digunakan untuk merujuk pada penjualan atau pembelian nama domain generik.
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Cara Memiliki Account di Twitter

by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

twitter sama aja dengan media sosial lainnya seperti friendster,facebook. bedanya twitter hanya berupa tulisan singkat lebih kurang 140 karakter tentang informasi pribadi atau pesan anda bahkan sambil promosi. lalu bagaimana cara memiliki account twitter ???.gampang aja kok, ini aku tunjukan caranya langkah berikut dibawah ini.. Memiliki account di twitter mudah, disini secara bertahap dapat anda lakukan. Saat ini Anda harus terkoneksi di internet dengan membuka browser : internet eksplorer, Opera , Mozzila, atau browser lainnya dan anda sudah memiliki email untuk account signup twitter kalo belu bikin dulu email gampang ko bikin account email seperti di gmail,yahoo, dll Tahapan membuat account di twiter yakni : Langkah 1 Buka alamat URL Twitter : Klik tombol “sign up now“ Langkah 2. Setelah anda “klink link : sign up now” maka akan tampil formulir pendaftaran dimana isi nama lengkap anda (full name) , nama pengguna untuk di gunakan login di twitter (username), password untuk login ke twitter, alamat email dan isi kotak pengaman sesuai dengan karakter huruf /angka yang tampil . Langkah 3. Setelah data di isi klik tombol “Create my account“. Selamat anda telah Memiliki accout twitter ? . Ingat “username” dan “password” anda untuk login ke twitter …Kini anda telah memiliki account di twitter …dan sudah bisa mejalankan twitter anda . Gunakan “username dan password” anda untuk login di twitter pada member area untuk melakukan pengaturan accout Twitter anda. gampangkan buat twitter
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Tips dan trik mempromosikan blog

by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

Mempromosikan blog anda wajib anda lakukan agar blog anda bisa lebih banyak di akses publik dan tampil pada peringkat pencarian terdepan pada search engine seperti google , yahoo,msn dan bing. Artikel ini akan memberikan tips dan trik sederhana namun cukup efektif cara mempromosikan blog anda. Cara ini berlaku pada semua blog atau juga bisa anda lakukan untuk mempromosikan website anda. 1. Tulis Artikel berupa solusi Menulis artikel berisi solusi atau tips dan trik apapun pasti banyak di cari pembaca. Jadi jika ingin blog anda selalu di kunjungi pembaca buatlah topik menarik berupa solusi atau tip dan trik maka akan mendapatkan pengunjung yang banyak dan search engine akan memproritaskan blog anda. 2. Blogwalking Blogwalking bisa diartikan secara bebas ‘menjelajahi blog-blog’ . Jadi rajinlah mengunjungi blog-blog (prioritaskan blog yang se-topik blog anda) dan beri komentar positif dan tinggalkan alamat webblog anda tentunya 2. Tukar Link Cara ini membutuhkan perkenalan dulu dengan pemilik blog yang akan tukar link (tukar alamat blog). Efek tukar link lebih tetap dan akan terus tampil pada halaman blog teman yang akan anda tukar link (bandingkan dengan blogwalking yang akan tampil pada satu artikel yang anda beri komentar) 3. Jejaring Sosial Melalui jejaringan sosial seperti facebook atau twitter bisa anda lakukan untuk mempromosikan blog anda, seperti menulis sebagian artikel tulisan di ‘dinding facebook/twitter’ dan memberi alamat blog anda untuk membaca selengkapnya artikel anda. 4. Daftarkan blog di search engine. Mendaftarkan alamat blog anda pada Search Engine seperti : - Google klik alamatnya di sini - Bing klik alamatnya di sini - Yahoo Site Explorer klik alamatnya di sini 5. Promo offline Cara ini bisa alternatif efektif selain dari beberapa cara online diatas untuk promosikan blog anda yakni : - iklankan blog anda pada media koran/majalah - melalui kartu nama tulis alamat blog anda - melalui stiker tulis alamat blog anda Semoga Postingan di atas bermanfaat bagi rekan blogger dan bisa mempraktekkannya juga.
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What is Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act

by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), 15 U.S.C. § 1125(d), is an American law enacted in 1999 and established a cause of action for registering, trafficking in, or using a domain name confusingly similar to, or dilutive of, a trademark or personal name. The law was designed to thwart “cybersquatters” who register Internet domain names containing trademarks with no intention of creating a legitimate web site, but instead plan to sell the domain name to the trademark owner or a third party.Critics of the ACPA complain about the non-global scope of the Act and its potential to restrict free speech. Background Before the ACPA was enacted, trademark owners relied heavily on the Federal Trademark Dilution Act (FTDA) to sue domain name registrants. The FTDA was enacted in 1995 in part with the intent to curb domain name abuses. The legislative history of the FTDA specifically mentions that trademark dilution in domain names was a matter of Congressional concern motivating the Act. Senator Leahy stated that “it is my hope that this anti-dilution statute can help stem the use of deceptive Internet addresses taken by those who are choosing marks that are associated with the products and reputations of others. For example, in Panavision Int’l L.P. v. Toeppen, 141 F.3d 1316 (9th Cir. 1998), Dennis Toeppen registered the domain name Panavision, the trademark owner, learned that Toeppen had registered their trademark when they attempted to register the trademark “Panavision” as a domain name. Toeppen was using the domain to display photographs of Pana, Illinois and, when asked to cease, he offered to sell the domain name to Panavision for $13,000. After Panavision refused to buy the domain name from Toeppen, he registered their other trademark, Panaflex, as a domain name. The Court held that the Federal Trademark Dilution Act could be violated without the traditional tarnishing or blurring the courts had required. Rulings like this extended the Federal Trademark Dilution Act substantially, making the law a less-than-ideal fit for protecting trademark owners against cybersquatters. Overview of the ACPA Under the ACPA, a trademark owner may bring a cause of action against a domain name registrant who (1) has a bad faith intent to profit from the mark and (2) registers, traffics in, or uses a domain name that is (a) identical or confusingly similar to a distinctive mark, (b) identical or confusingly similar to or dilutive of a famous mark, or (c) is a trademark protected by 18 U.S.C. § 706 (marks involving the Red Cross) or 36 U.S.C. § 220506 (marks relating to the “Olympics”). A trademark is famous if the owner can prove that the mark “is widely recognized by the general consuming public of the United States as a designation of source of the goods or services of the mark's owner. “Trafficking” in the context of domain names includes, but is not limited to “sales, purchases, loans, pledges, licenses, exchanges of currency, and any other transfer for consideration or receipt in exchange for consideration.” The ACPA also requires that the mark be distinctive or famous at the time of registration. In determining whether the domain name registrant has a bad faith intent to profit a court may consider many factors including nine that are outlined in the statute: 1. the registrant’s trademark or other intellectual property rights in the domain name; 2. whether the domain name contains the registrant’s legal or common name; 3. the registrant’s prior use of the domain name in connection with the bona fide offering of goods or services; 4. the registrant’s bona fide noncommercial or fair use of the mark in a site accessible by the domain name; 5. the registrant’s intent to divert customers from the mark owner’s online location that could harm the goodwill represented by the mark, for commercial gain or with the intent to tarnish or disparage the mark; 6. the registrant’s offer to transfer, sell, or otherwise assign the domain name to the mark owner or a third party for financial gain, without having used the mark in a legitimate site; 7. the registrant’s providing misleading false contact information when applying for registration of the domain name; 8. the registrant’s registration or acquisition of multiple domain names that are identical or confusingly similar to marks of others; and 9. the extent to which the mark in the domain is distinctive or famous. The ACPA does not prevent the fair use of trademarks or any use protected by the First Amendment, which includes gripe sites. In Mayflower Transit, L.L.C. v. Prince, 314 F. Supp. 2d 362 (D.N.J 2004), the court found that the first two prongs of Mayflower's ACPA claim were easily met because (1) their registered trademark was distinctive and (2) Defendant’s “” was confusingly similar to Plaintiff’s Mayflower trademark. However, when the court was examining the third prong of Plaintiff’s ACPA claim, whether Defendant registered its domain name with the bad faith intent to profit from Plaintiff, the court found Defendant had a bona fide noncommercial use of the mark, therefore, the ACPA claimed failed. “Defendant’s motive for registering the disputed domain names was to express his customer dissatisfaction through the medium of the Internet. The domain name registrar or registry or other domain name authority is not liable for injunctive or monetary relief except in the case of bad faith or reckless disregard. While § 1125 protects trademark owners, 15 U.S.C. § 1129 protects any living person from having their personal name included in a domain name, but only when the domain name is registered for profitable resale. In rem Jurisdiction The ACPA also provides that the trademark owner can file an in rem action against the domain name in the judicial district where the domain name registrar, domain name registry, or other domain name authority registered or assigned the domain name is located if (1) the domain name violates any right of the trademark owner and (2) the court finds that the owner (a) is not able to obtain in personam jurisdiction over the person who would have been a defendant under 15 U.S.C. § 1125(d)(1); or (b) through due diligence was not able to find a person who would have been a defendant under 15 U.S.C. § 1125(d)(1) by sending a notice of the alleged violation and publishing notice of the action. This provision is rarely used, however, because many trademark owners can achieve the same results through a Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) proceeding. ACPA v. UDRP Instead of suing in federal court under the ACPA, a trademark owner can choose to pursue an administrative proceedings under ICANN’s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). The UDRP allows a trademark owner to challenge domain name registrations in expedited administrative proceedings. A UDRP proceeding can be faster and cheaper for trademark owners than an ACPA lawsuit. Also, UDRP outcomes tend to be pro-plaintiff because many UDRP arbitrators are trademark lawyers. However, some trademark owners prefer to bring ACPA claims because they offer more remedies than the cancellation or transfer of the domain name (the only remedies available under UDRP proceedings) and a court ruling can lead to a final resolution of the matter. Also, a suit under the ACPA may deter future cybersquatters more effectively than a UDRP proceeding. Domaining and the ACPA While the ACPA contemplated the purchase of domain names for resale to trademark owners, it did not contemplate the more modern practice of domaining. Domaining is the business of registering a domain name, parking it or placing pay-per-click ads on it. Domainers rely on type-in traffic, which is when Internet surfers type in the domain name rather than using a search engine to find what they are looking for. Domainers can make a lot of money in this business of buying and selling domain names. Some domainers rely on domain tasting, which involves placing pay-per-click ads on the domain for five days (or less) to determine whether the ads will make more than the annual cost of the domain. If the domain is dropped within the five day grace period, no fee is incurred. An industry has grown up out of this business with domainers taking part in these mass registrations. Domain tasting has become much less popular since 2009, when ICANN began raising fees to registrars with excessive domain tasting. In Verizon California, Inc. v. Navigation Catalyst Systems, 568 F. Supp. 2d 1088 (C.D. Cal. 2008), the domainer lost under the ACPA. One of the defendants, Basic Fusion, Inc. argues that they were not cybersquatters, but as an Internet registrar accredited by ICANN they could register domain names on behalf of its customers and it specialized in “bulk registration." Navigation Catalyst Systems, another defendant and customer of Basic Fusion, used their “proprietary automated tool” to find domain names that were not already registered and then registered them using Basic Fusion. Navigation used the five days following the registration (the “add grace period”) to put advertisements on the websites making money from the advertisements even when they dropped the domain name registration before the five day window closed. Plaintiff Verizon argued that defendants “registered” 1,392 domain names that were confusingly similar to plaintiff’s trademarks. The Court found that defendants used the confusingly similar domain names with a bad faith intent to profit.
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What is Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDPR)

by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

The Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) is a process established by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for the resolution of disputes regarding the registration of internet domain names. The UDRP currently applies to all .biz, .com, .info, .name, .net, and .org top-level domains, and some country code top-level domains. When a registrant chooses a domain name, the registrant must “represent and warrant,” among other things, that registering the name “will not infringe upon or otherwise violate the rights of any third party,” and agree to participate in an arbitration-like proceeding should any third party assert such a claim. A complainant in a UDRP proceeding must establish three elements to succeed:  The domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the complainant has rights;  The registrant does not have any rights or legitimate interests in the domain name; and  The registrant registered the domain name and is using it in "bad faith." In a UDRP proceeding, a panel will consider several non-exclusive factors to assess bad faith, such as:  Whether the registrant registered the domain name primarily for the purpose of selling, renting, or otherwise transferring the domain name registration to the complainant who is the owner of the trademark or service mark;  Whether the registrant registered the domain name to prevent the owner of the trademark or service mark from reflecting the mark in a corresponding domain name, if the domain name owner has engaged in a pattern of such conduct; and  Whether the registrant registered the domain name primarily for the purpose of disrupting the business of a competitor; or  Whether by using the domain name, the registrant has intentionally attempted to attract, for commercial gain, internet users to the registrant's website, by creating a likelihood of confusion with the complainant's mark. The goal of the UDRP is to create a streamlined process for resolving such disputes. It was envisioned that this process would be quicker and less expensive than a standard legal challenge. The costs to hire a UDRP provider to handle a complaint often start around $1000 to $2000. If a party loses a UDRP proceeding, in many jurisdictions it may still bring a lawsuit against the domain name registrant under local law. For example, the administrative panel's UDRP decision can be challenged and overturned in a U.S. court of law by means of e.g. the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. If a domain name registrant loses a UDRP proceeding, it must file a lawsuit against the trademark holder within ten days to prevent ICANN from transferring the domain name. The UDRP process has already been used in a number of well-known cases, such as Madonna Ciccone, p/k/a Madonna v. Dan Parisi and "". In this case, the arbitration panel found against the defendant registrant based on all three of the above factors and ordered the domain name turned over to Madonna. Often there is contention over similar but not identical domain names, in which the offended party files a court action claiming trademark or copyright infringement. For example, actor Robert De Niro has claimed ownership of all domain names incorporating the text "Tribeca" for domain names with any content related to film festivals. In particular, he has a dispute with the owner of the website
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Typosquatting in United States law

by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

In the United States, the 1999 Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) contains a clause (Section 3(a), amending 15 USC 1117 to include sub-section (d)(2)(B)(ii)) aimed at combatting typosquatting. However, on April 17, 2006, controversial evangelist Jerry Falwell failed to get the U.S. Supreme Court to review a decision allowing Christopher Lamparello to use "". Relying on a plausible misspelling of Falwell's name, Lamparello's gripe site presents misdirected visitors with scriptural references that counter the fundamentalist preacher's scathing rebukes against homosexuality. The high court let stand a 2005 Fourth Circuit finding that "the use of a mark in a domain name for a gripe site criticizing the markholder does not constitute cybersquatting." Militating in favor of Mr. Lamparello's case was the fact that his website did not mimic Falwell's site stylistically so as to confuse site visitors into believing that Falwell endorsed Lamparello's site content. Further, the fact that Lamparello's site is noncommercial preempts a claim of unfair business practices. Whereas, a communicative forum for comment and criticism constitutes a "bona fide non-commercial or fair use" of a trademark interest, under the ACPA. On his site, Lamparello provided a link to an webpage selling a book he favored. The court determined this did not diminish the communicative function of his website, saying use of a domain name to engage in criticism or commentary "even where done for profit" does not alone show a bad faith intent to profit (Lamparello did not stand to gain financially from sales of the book at WIPO resolution procedure Under the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP), trademark holders can file a case at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) against typosquatters (as with cybersquatters in general).The complainant has to show that the registered domain name is identical or confusingly similar to their trademark, that the registrant has no legitimate interest in the domain name, and that the domain name is being used in bad faith.
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apa script ping itu...??

by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

script ping adalah ping atau blog yang memberitahukan Weblog Jasa seperti Blog Search Engine dan direktori blog bahwa blog Anda telah diupdate. yang Jasa seperti Search Engine bahwa Anda telah Hal ini membantu untuk cepat indeks blog Anda dan membuat konten Anda tersedia untuk audiens yang lebih besar . Hal ini membantu untuk blog Anda dan membuat konten Anda tersedia untuk audiens yang lebih besar.
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by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

Iklankan bisnis Anda di Google Setup online yang mudah Jangkau calon pelanggan di seluruh dunia Cuma bayar untuk hasil Tanpa kontrak atau ikatan pembelanjaan minimal Anda membuat iklan Anda membuat iklan dan memilih kata kunci, yakni kata atau frasa yang terkait dengan bisnis Anda. Dapatkan gagasan kata kunci Iklan Anda muncul di Google Bila pengguna melakukan penelusuran di Google menggunakan salah satu kata kunci Anda, iklan mungkin akan muncul di samping hasil penelusuran. Anda kini beriklan kepada pemirsa yang sudah berminat pada Anda. Anda menarik pelanggan Orang cukup mengklik iklan untuk membeli dari atau mengetahui selengkapnya tentang Anda. Anda bahkan tidak memerlukan laman web untuk memulainya; Google akan membantu membuatkan laman secara gratis. Semudah itu!
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by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under

Making affiliate marketing more productive Google Affiliate Network connects advertisers and publishers who want to increase sales and drive leads through affiliate marketing. As an advertiser using Google Affiliate Network, you'll discover pre-screened publishers who can refer consumer traffic to you. As a publisher, you can market your site to advertisers in the network; if selected to participate in an advertiser's program, you'll earn a percent of sales or a referral bounty. Google Affiliate Network offers: Industry-leading advertiser and publisher service Rigorous network quality standards Reliable conversion tracking Detailed reporting Automated payments to publishers Simple link and creative delivery tools Flexible commissions Access to top brands on the web
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