The Six-Figure Second Income: How To Start and Grow A Successful Online Business Without Quitting Your Day Job | Make Money Online
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Make Money Online
Starting Your Own Online Business: All You Need to Know to Start a Successful Online Business Product...Online Business Ideas for You to Start Making Money Online On the internet you will find that READ MORE
The New Way To Make Money Online With PPC
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under PPC
online with no PPC knowledge, no technical skills and zero "make money" know-how....make money, weight loss -- and you'll be kicked in the teeth by cash-rich competition and obscene ad fees....
LG Optimus 7 Handled in Korean Ahead of Launch
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Mobile
South Korean mobile phone maker LG Electronics is readying some appealing handsets that run under Microsoft's new Windows Phone 7 operating system, and the LG Optimus 7, also known as the LG E900, is one of them.
Following a series of leaked photos and videos with the new mobile phone, some more info on it emerged into the wild, this time coming from the Korea Economic Daily.
It seems that they managed to get their hands on one of the upcoming LG Optimus 7 units, and that there are some pretty appealing features that we're going to love with the handset.
However, the guys over at Engadget note that the info was filtrated via a translation machine, which can be wrong some times, just as we've previously seen.
Until something official is announced on the forthcoming LG Optimus 7, the specs reported on by the Korea Economic Daily should be good enough.
Among these details, we can count the fact that LG's upcoming device sports a 3.8-inch touchscreen display, and not a smaller one, as previous leaks suggested.
Moreover, the new device is expected to come with 16GB of internal memory, something we already knew, as well as with a 1500 mAh battery.
As expected, the processor inside the LG E900 would be clocked in at 1GHz also a featured reported on previously.
However, new details on this Windows Phone 7 device include the fact that it should be able to “write” text messages, emails and status updates through voice recognition.
Moreover, the handset is said to come with an “automatic panorama” feature, enabling users to put photos together.
Unfortunately, no specific info on when the handset would arrive on the market emerged for the time being, or on whether these features will be pushed on the handset in all markets.
As stated above, this is not the first batch of details we receive on LG's Optimus 7, though it remains to be seen whether all the leaked info would pan out or not.
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by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Tips Mobile
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by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Free Money Online
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by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Affiliate
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Modem Paling Murah
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Modem
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Cara Setting Internet Hp
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Tips Mobile
Handphone Online,Handphone Qwerty sekarang lagi booming,karena keunggulannya memakai fitur tambahan yaitu bisa chatting,bisa nonton tv,bisa browsing internet,bahkan bisa di pakai modem dll. dengan harga terjangkau dan model qwerty seperti handphone mahal yaitu yang lagi booming handphone blackberry.membuat handphone local membanjiri pasaran handphone dan banyak peminatnya.tetapi vendor handphone yang sudah terjun sejak lama sekarang juga makin rajin bersaing sehat dengan vendor handphone local.karena banyaknya peminat pada handphone local dengan model qwerty yang sudah canggih,hampir setiap orang memiliki handpone online.tetapi tidak semua orang mengerti dengan internet apalagi di indonesia masih banyak buta internet apalagi buta aksara.karena belum siap sdm di indonesia.banyak pengguna handphone online yang bingung menggunakannya dan mengaktifkan internet di handphone online.untuk itu saya membuat postingan ini untuk membantu yang tidak tahu.
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by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Hack
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What is Electronic money...?
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under E-PAYMENT
Electronic money (also known as e-currency, e-money, electronic cash, electronic currency, digital money, digital cash or digital currency) refers to money or scrip which is only exchanged electronically. Typically, this involves the use of computer networks, the internet and digital stored value systems. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and direct deposit are all examples of electronic money. Also, it is a collective term for financial cryptography and technologies enabling it.
While electronic money has been an interesting problem for cryptography (see for example the work of David Chaum and Markus Jakobsson), to date, the use of e-money has been relatively low-scale. One rare success has been Hong Kong's Octopus card system, which started as a transit payment system and has grown into a widely used electronic money system. London Transport's Oyster card system remains essentially a contactless pre-paid travelcard. Two other cities have implemented functioning electronic money systems. Very similar to Hong Kong's Octopus card, Singapore has an electronic money program for its public transportation system (commuter trains, bus, etc.), based on the same type of (FeliCa) system. The Netherlands has also implemented an electronic money system known as Chipknip, which is based upon the same system in Hong Kong..
A number of electronic money systems use Contactless payment transfer in order to facilitate easy payment and give the payee more confidence in not letting go of their electronic wallet during the transaction.
Electronic money systems
In technical terms, electronic money is an online representation, or a system of debits and credits, used to exchange value within another system, or within itself as a stand alone system. In principle this process could also be done offline.
Occasionally, the term electronic money is also used to refer to the provider itself. A private currency may use gold to provide extra security, such as digital gold currency. Some private organizations, such as the United States armed forces use independent currencies such as Eagle Cash.
Centralised systems
Many systems—such as Paypal, WebMoney, cashU, and Hub Culture's Ven—will sell their electronic currency directly to the end user, but other systems only sell through third party digital currency exchangers.
In the case of Octopus card in Hong Kong, electronic money deposits work similarly to regular bank deposits. After Octopus Card Limited receives money for deposit from users, the money is deposited into a bank. This is similar to debit-card-issuing banks redepositing money at central banks.
Some community currencies, like some LETS systems, work with electronic transactions.
Decentralised systems
Decentralised electronic money systems include:
* Bitcoin, an anonymous distributed electronic money system
* Ripple monetary system, a project to develop a distributed system of electronic money independent of local currency.
* PKTP, a pseudonymous distributed electronic money system
Offline 'anonymous' systems
In the use of offline electronic money, the merchant does not need to interact with the bank before accepting money from the user. Instead merchants can collect monies spent by users and deposit them later with the bank. In principle this could be done offline, i.e. the merchant could go to the bank with his storage media to exchange e-money for cash. Nevertheless the merchant is guaranteed that the user's e-money will either be accepted by the bank, or the bank will be able to identify and punish the cheating user. In this way a user is prevented from spending the same funds twice (double-spending). Offline e-money schemes also need to protect against cheating merchants, i.e. merchants that want to deposit money twice (and then blame the user).
Using cryptography, anonymous ecash was introduced by David Chaum. He used blind signatures to achieve unlinkability between withdrawal and spend transactions.[1] In cryptography, e-cash usually refers to anonymous e-cash. Depending on the properties of the payment transactions, one distinguishes between online and offline e-cash. The first offline e-cash system was proposed by Chaum and Naor.[2] Like the first on-line scheme, it is based on RSA blind signatures.
Future progression
The main focuses of electronic money development are:
1. being able to use it through a wider range of hardware such as secured credit cards
2. linked bank accounts that would generally be used over an internet means, for exchange with a secure micropayment system such as in large corporations (PayPal).
Gratis Credit Cards dari SFI
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under Affiliate, Free Credits cards., Free Money Online
Apa itu SFI...?
SFI singkatan dari ( Strong Future International ) Marketing Group diluncurkan pada tahun 1998 didirikan oleh gery carson. SFI Dimulai dengan hanya satu produk , hanya dijual di Amerika Serikat, SFI kini telah tumbuh untuk 22.244 produk dan jasa ( dan terus bertambah setiap hari) dijual di lebih dari 190 negara di seluruh dunia . Dimulai dengan satu produk, dijual di Amerika kini telah tumbuh dan jasa (dan terus bertambah setiap hari) dijual di lebih dari 190 negara di seluruh dunia.
SFI diciptakan untuk memungkinkan siapapun dengan komputer dan akses internet peluang untuk memasuki dunia
e - commerce revolusi . Siapapun usia hukum di negara -nya bisa menjadi afiliasi SFI secara gratis dengan mengisi formulir pendaftaran online. pembelian Tidak perlu .
Setelah terdaftar , afiliasi diberikan dengan Website profesional untuk pemasaran produk-produk SFI di Internet . SFI juga menyediakan semua layanan dukungan penjualan yang diperlukan, seperti layanan pelanggan, proses pembayaran , dan pengiriman produk - semuanya tanpa biaya untuk affiliate. Untuk setiap penjualan yang dihasilkan , SFI afiliasi merujuk membayar komisi. komisi tambahan dapat diperoleh dengan membangun dan kelompok afiliasi terkemuka.
sebuah perusahaan yang sukses dapat dilihat pada track record -nya . Tanda dari perusahaan yang sukses dapat dilihat pada track record-nya. SFI sekarang 11 tahun , dengan jutaan dolar dalam penjualan tahunan dan dibayar jutaan komisi kepada ribuan afiliasi di seluruh dunia . tahun, dengan dolar dalam komisi kepada di seluruh dunia. perusahaan induk SFI , Carson Services , Inc , kini di tahun 25 anak perusahaan. perusahaan induk SFI, Services, Inc, anak perusahaan. Ini adalah anggota lama dari Better Business Bureau dan terdaftar dengan Dunn dan Bradstreet . Ini adalah anggota lama Better Business Bureau dan terdaftar Dunn dan Bradstreet. afiliasi SFI beroperasi dengan ketenangan pikiran yang ditimbulkan oleh menghubungkan dengan utang , organisasi bebas terbukti dengan sukses , sejarah panjang . SFI Presiden dan CEO , dan pendiri .anda sudah menjadi affiliasi sfi join sekarang
Kepemimpinan Perusahaan SFI
Pendiri SFI adalah Gery Carson . Afiliasi beroperasi ketenangan pikiran yang ditimbulkan oleh utang, sukses, sejarah panjang. Presiden dan CEO, dan pendiri SFI, Carson. Dari tahun 1985 hingga 1998, Gery adalah seorang pemasar top dan sekaligus pendiri perusahaan SFI.gery carson distributor Pemecah rekor beberapa perusahaan penjualan langsung dan penerbit majalah bisnis sukses . Dari tahun 1985 hingga 1998, adalah seorang beberapa perusahaan penjualan langsung majalah bisnis sukses. Dikenal untuk inovasi itu , Gery telah menjadi kekuatan pelopor di direct mail dan pemasaran industri Internet selama lebih dari dua dekade . itu, telah menjadi kekuatan direct mail dan pemasaran selama lebih dari dua dekade. prestasi luar biasa -Nya sebagai pengusaha telah spotlighted di " Maker's Bulanan Uang , " " Upline , " " Kesempatan World Magazine , " dan dalam banyak buku dan video . luar biasa-Nya sebagai pengusaha "Maker's Uang," "Upline," "Kesempatan World Magazine," banyak buku video. pengakuan Nasional juga termasuk yang bernama ke Posisi 1992 Young Men of America list dan 1997 's Who 's Who di Media dan Komunikasi . Pengakuan yang bernama of America list dan 1997's Who's Who Media dan Komunikasi.
Gery berangkat untuk " meletakkan lekuk di alam semesta " dengan menciptakan SFI , sebuah program Pemecah tanah yang akan menggunakan Internet untuk memberdayakan dan memperkaya kehidupan jutaan orang di seluruh dunia . Pada tahun 1998, berangkat untuk "meletakkan di alam semesta" dengan menciptakan SFI, yang akan Internet untuk dan memperkaya orang di seluruh dunia. Hari ini , dengan 5608 afiliasi baru yang bergabung pada minggu terakhir saja , SFI adalah salah satu perusahaan yang paling cepat berkembang dari jenisnya di dunia dan baik pada cara untuk mencapai visi Gery .
Sub - Divisi SFI
TripleClicks baru saja diluncurkan pada bulan Januari 2009 , adalah tujuan wisata baru yang menarik di web . TripleClicks saat ini fitur produk dan layanan , akan ditambahkan dengan lebih sehari-hari , 22244 termasuk koleksi dan item yang tersedia di tempat lain di Internet . saat ini produk layanan, akan ditambahkan dengan lebih sehari-hari, item yang tersedia di tempat lain di Internet. TripleClicks juga memungkinkan para anggotanya untuk secara sederhana dan mudah menjual barang-barang mereka sendiri yang tidak diinginkan dengan uang tunai atau perdagangan . juga memungkinkan para anggotanya untuk secara sederhana dan yang tidak diinginkan dengan uang tunai atau perdagangan. SFI afiliasi bisa memperoleh komisi tampan mempromosikan produk dan layanan yang tersedia di TripleClicks .
EyeEarn adalah iklan jaringan global baru yang menyentuh sederhana , bentuk iklan yang mudah semua orang bisa lakukan. bisa memperoleh komisi produk dan layanan yang tersedia TripleClicks. jaringan global baru yang sederhana, yang semua orang bisa Tidak perlu pengalaman untuk berpartisipasi , dan itu menyenangkan dan mudah! Tidak perlu untuk berpartisipasi, itu menyenangkan mudah! dasar konsep 's EyeEarn adalah bagi Anda untuk menjadi bagian dari jaringan periklanan kami pribadi " , " dan mendapatkan bayaran untuk iklan sementara hanya akan tentang Anda hari - mengendarai mobil Anda , berjalan anjing Anda , mengenakan T -shirt , atau bahkan hanya minum kopi ! konsep's bagi untuk menjadi bagian dari "," dan mendapatkan bayaran untuk iklan hanya akan hari-mengendarai mobil Anda, berjalan Anda, T-shirt, bahkan hanya kopi! Dapatkan lihat - dibayar !
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What is E-commerce payment system..?
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under E-ECOMMERCE, E-PAYMENT
An e-commerce payment system facilitates the acceptance of electronic payment for online transactions. Also known as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-commerce payment systems have become increasingly popular due to the widespread use of the internet-based shopping and banking. In the early years of B2C transactions, many consumers were apprehensive of using their credit and debit cards over the internet because of the perceived increased risk of fraud. Recent research shows that 30% of people in the United Kingdom still do not shop online because they do not trust online payment systems. However, 54% do believe that it is safe to shop online which is an increase from 26% in 2006.
There are numerous different payments systems available for online merchants. These include the traditional credit, debit and charge card but also new technologies such as digital wallets, e-cash, mobile payment and e-checks. Another form of payment system is allowing a 3rd party to complete the online transaction for you. These companies are called Payment Service Providers (PSP), a good example is Paypal or WorldPay. (Note Paypal also offers its own payment system).
Credit Cards and Smart Cards
Over the years, credit cards have become one of the most common forms of payment for e-commerce transactions. In North America almost 90% of online B2C transactions were made with this payment type [2]. Turban et al. goes on to explain that it would be difficult for an online retailer to operate without supporting credit and debit cards due to its widespread use. Increased security measures such as the use of the card verification number (CVN) which detects fraud by comparing the verification number on the printed on the signature strip on the back of the card with the information on file with the cardholder's issuing bank [3]. Also online merchants have to comply with stringent rules stipulated by the credit and debit card issuers (Visa and MasterCard)[4] this means that merchants must have security protocol and procedures in place to ensure transactions are more secure. This can also include having a certificate from an authorised certification authority (CA) who provides PKI infrastructure for securing credit and debit card transactions.
Despite this widespread use in North America, there are still a large number of countries such as China, India and Pakistan that have some problems to overcome in regard to credit card security. In the meantime, the use of smartcards has become extremely popular. A Smartcard is similar to a credit card; however it contains an embedded 8-bit microprocessor and uses electronic cash which transfers from the consumers’ card to the sellers’ device. A popular smartcard initiative is the VISA Smartcard. Using the VISA Smartcard you can transfer electronic cash to your card from your bank account, and you can then use your card at various retailers and on the internet.
There are companies that enable financial transactions to transpire over the internet, such as PayPal.
Many of the mediaries permit consumers to establish an account quickly, and to transfer funds into their on-line accounts from a traditional bank account (typically via ACH transactions), and vice versa, after verification of the consumer's identity and authority to access such bank accounts. Also, the larger mediaries further allow transactions to and from credit card accounts, although such credit card transactions are usually assessed a fee (either to the recipient or the sender) to recoup the transaction fees charged to the mediary.
The speed and simplicity with which cyber-mediary accounts can be established and used have contributed to their widespread use, although the risk of abuse, theft and other problems—with disgruntled users frequently accusing the mediaries themselves of wrongful behaviour—is associated with them.
Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment
Electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) is a fairly new technique that allows consumers to view and pay bills electronically. There are a significant number of bills that consumers pay on a regular basis, which include: power bills, water, oil, internet, phone service, mortgages, car payments etc. EBPP systems send bills from service providers to individual consumers via the internet. The systems also enable payments to be made by consumers, given that the amount that appears on the e-bill is correct. Banks in Canada have been offering these on-line payment services for some time now, and are growing in popularity. Other service providers such as Rogers Communications and Aliant accept major credit cards within the bill payment sections of their websites. This service is in addition to the original EBPP method of a direct withdrawal from a bank account through a bank such as Scotiabank.
The biggest difference between EBPP systems and the traditional method of bill payment, is that of technology. Rather than receiving a bill through the mail, writing out and sending a check, consumers receive their bills in an email, or are prompted to visit a website to view and pay their bills.
Three broad models of EBPP have emerged. These are:
1. Consolidation, where numerous bills for any one recipient are made available at one Web site, most commonly the recipient's bank. In some countries, such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada, the postal service also operates a consolidation service. The actual task of consolidation is sometimes performed by a third party, and fed to the Web sites where consumers receive the bills. The principal attraction of consolidation is that consumers can receive and pay numerous bills at the one location, thus minimising the number of login IDs and passwords they must remember and maintain.
2. Biller Direct, where the bills produced by an organisation are made available through that organisation's Web site. This model works well if the recipient has reasons to visit the biller's Web site other than to receive their bills. In the freight industry, for example, customers will visit a carrier's Web site to track items in transit, so it is reasonably convenient to receive and pay freight bills at the same site.
3. Direct email delivery, where the bills are emailed to the customer's In Box. This model most closely imitates the analog postal service. It is convenient, because almost everyone has email and the customer has to do nothing except use email in order to receive a bill. Email delivery is proving especially popular in the B2B market in many countries.
Major providers of outsourced bill production services have developed facilities to process bills through consolidation, biller direct and email delivery services, thus enabling major billers to have all their bills, paper and electronic, processed through the one service. Niche service providers in many countries provide one or two of these models, but generally do not integrate with paper bill production.
for next
5 konsep dasar E-Ecommerce
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under E-ECOMMERCE
Otomasi bisnis proses sebagai pengganti proses manual (konsep "Enterprise Resource Planning").
Proses yang terintegrasi untuk mencapai hasil yang efisian dan efektif (konsep "Just Intime").
Kemudahan berkomunikasi dan berpromosi untuk produk dan jasa yang diperdagangkan (konsep "Elektronic Cataloging").
Pertukaran informasi atau data antar pelaku bisnis dengan meminimalisasikan human error (konsep " Electronic Data Change").
Kesepakatan dua pelaku bisnis untuk bertransaksi dengan melibatkan institusi lain sebagai fungsi pembayar (konsep "Electronic Payment").
Apa E-Ecommerce itu...?
by Kang Ricky on Nov.22, 2009, under E-ECOMMERCE
Pengertian E-ecommerce
Perdagangan elektronik atau e-dagang (bahasa Inggris: Electronic commerce, juga e-commerce) adalah penyebaran, pembelian, penjualan, pemasaran barang dan jasa melalui sistem elektronik seperti internet atau televisi, www, atau jaringan komputer lainnya. E-dagang dapat melibatkan transfer dana elektronik, pertukaran data elektronik, sistem manajemen inventori otomatis, dan sistem pengumpulan data otomatis.
Industri teknologi informasi melihat kegiatan e-dagang ini sebagai aplikasi dan penerapan dari e-bisnis (e-business) yang berkaitan dengan transaksi komersial, seperti: transfer dana secara elektronik, SCM (supply chain management), e-pemasaran (e-marketing), atau pemasaran online (online marketing), pemrosesan transaksi online (online transaction processing), pertukaran data elektronik (electronic data interchange /EDI), dll.
E-dagang atau e-commerce merupakan bagian dari e-business, di mana cakupan e-business lebih luas, tidak hanya sekedar perniagaan tetapi mencakup juga pengkolaborasian mitra bisnis, pelayanan nasabah, lowongan pekerjaan dll. Selain teknologi jaringan www, e-dagang juga memerlukan teknologi basisdata atau pangkalan data (databases), e-surat atau surat elektronik (e-mail), dan bentuk teknologi non komputer yang lain seperti halnya sistem pengiriman barang, dan alat pembayaran untuk e-dagang ini.
E-dagang pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1994 pada saat pertama kali banner-elektronik dipakai untuk tujuan promosi dan periklanan di suatu halaman-web (website). Menurut Riset Forrester, perdagangan elektronik menghasilkan penjualan seharga AS$12,2 milyar pada 2003. Menurut laporan yang lain pada bulan oktober 2006 yang lalu, pendapatan ritel online yang bersifat non-travel di Amerika Serikat diramalkan akan mencapai seperempat trilyun dolar US pada tahun 2011.
Sejarah perkembangan
Istilah "perdagangan elektronik" telah berubah sejalan dengan waktu. Awalnya, perdagangan elektronik berarti pemanfaatan transaksi komersial, seperti penggunaan EDI untuk mengirim dokumen komersial seperti pesanan pembelian atau invoice secara elektronik.
Kemudian dia berkembang menjadi suatu aktivitas yang mempunya istilah yang lebih tepat "perdagangan web" — pembelian barang dan jasa melalui World Wide Web melalui server aman (HTTPS), protokol server khusus yang menggunakan enkripsi untuk merahasiakan data penting pelanggan.
Pada awalnya ketika web mulai terkenal di masyarakat pada 1994, banyak jurnalis memperkirakan bahwa e-commerce akan menjadi sebuah sektor ekonomi baru. Namun, baru sekitar empat tahun kemudian protokol aman seperti HTTPS memasuki tahap matang dan banyak digunakan. Antara 1998 dan 2000 banyak bisnis di AS dan Eropa mengembangkan situs web perdagangan ini.
Faktor kunci sukses dalam e-commerce
Dalam banyak kasus, sebuah perusahaan e-commerce bisa bertahan tidak hanya mengandalkan kekuatan produk saja, tapi dengan adanya tim manajemen yang handal, pengiriman yang tepat waktu, pelayanan yang bagus, struktur organisasi bisnis yang baik, jaringan infrastruktur dan keamanan, desain situs web yang bagus, beberapa faktor yang termasuk:
1. Menyediakan harga kompetitif
2. Menyediakan jasa pembelian yang tanggap, cepat, dan ramah.
3. Menyediakan informasi barang dan jasa yang lengkap dan jelas.
4. Menyediakan banyak bonus seperti kupon, penawaran istimewa, dan diskon.
5. Memberikan perhatian khusus seperti usulan pembelian.
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