Web traffic is very important especially for e commerce websites because if there is no traffic there is no sale. In order to boost sales the traffic needs to be increased. For increasing traffic webmasters and site owners have to know that how many people are coming to their websites. How many of them are unique ? How many visitors are recurring visitors and if you want to count visitor who are coming again or if you just want to count visitor once. Hit Web Counter is a Free web counter that can be used on a website to achieve this purpose of tracking visitors to the website.
You can track Web hits to your website. To track web stats just put the Free web counter code on your web sites . This counter can be used on any sort of website to keep track of your web statistics.
In order to keep track of your web traffic just put our code on your website. You can also select invisible counter.
If you do a case study of best e commerce internet websites like amazon.com, eBay , CNN you will come to know that they do a very detailed research on their clients and how much clients they are getting with their marketing campaigns to know how successful are they in bringing visitors to their websites. You can also put invisible counter on your site. Web traffic tracking is also important in a sense because you can give results to your marketing people to let them know how well they are doing in marketing their business online and how well their business is doing. One can even put web traffic counter on every page to track the landing page where most people are coming and where you are getting your web traffic from.